Search Results
BN1 - Explosive events associated with compact-object binary mergers - July 9
BN1 - Explosive events associated with compact-object binary mergers - July 5
Magnetized Binary Neutron Star Merger Simulations with Long Post-Merger Evolution
ED1 - Teaching Einsteinian Physics to School Students - July 9
ES1 - Exact Solutions in Four and Higher Dimensions - July 9
DM5 - Dark matter: beyond LCDM - July 8
June 14, 2021 | ECT* WORKSHOP | Neutron stars as multi-messenger laboratories for dense matter
AG1 - The Black Hole in M87 - July 5
BH1 - Theoretical and observational studies of astrophysical black holes - July 6
CM1 - Cosmic Backgrounds from radio to far-IR - July 5
Long-lived neutron stars born in binary neutron star mergers - Dr Nikhil Sarin (Nordita/Stockholm)
BH1 - Theoretical and observational studies of astrophysical black holes - July 7